Sponsoring Institution: Out to Protect (Education and Support for Law Enforcement Professionals)

Type: Law enforcement LGBTQ scholarship

Eligibility: LGBTQ, enrolled in law enforcement training program

Application Deadline: End of May annually

Highlight: Do you have the courage and willingness to be a visible LGBTQ role model in law enforcement? If so, the sponsors of the Out To Protect law enforcement LGBTQ scholarship want to hear from you! Aimed at maintaining positive role models while  working to eliminate homophobia in law enforcement, Out To Protect offers this LGBTQ scholarship of $1000 annually to those identifying as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender currently enrolled in a basic law enforcement training program in the United States. These training programs can include police or sheriff’s academy, corrections academy, or 9-1-1 dispatcher academy. This LGBTQ scholarship is typically announced in June or December of each year, so get going and apply now! All you have to do is write a few short paragraphs highlighting who you are and how being a part of the LGBTQ community has impacted you, and then submit a couple of supporting references! So, come out and apply for this LGBTQ scholarship! No matter what, you will reflect on your great professional and personal growth, and you might even win some money for your future in law enforcement!

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