Sponsoring Institution:  J. David Grey Fund in honour of JASNA‘s co-founder.

 Type: Essay Competition

Eligibility: Applicants be in either high school, college/ university (6 credit hours of coursework) or graduate school (3 credit hours of coursework). You do not have to be a member of JASNA.


  • The essay must OF COURSE  be written in English (because…Jane Austen).
  • There are a few formatting requirements for submitting your 6-8 page MLA format essay

Application Deadline: Tuesday, June 1st 2021…Winner is selected

Highlight: Calling all Jane Austen enthusiasts! Are you familiar with her work?? Maybe you’re a writer yourself? Well, this is your time to shine! The JASNA essay contest will allow you to combine your love for Austen and writing since you have the chance to write an essay discussing her art forms within her novels; contain your enthusiasm to 6-8 pages! Elizabeth Bennet once said “You must learn some of my philosophy. Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” And just as Mr Darcy learnt from Elizabeth Bennet’s philosophy, through this essay competition, you can show what you have learnt from Jane Austen’s philosophy from her novels. Reference one or more of the art forms Jane Austen uses in one or more of her novels for a chance to win from $250- $1000 in scholarships if you place in the top 3. Whether it be performing arts, creative arts or written arts, write a 6-8 page essay conveying your perspective on how Jane Austen uses one or more forms of art and show how your “remembrance [of her work] gives you pleasure”.  Remember, “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery” not your own, and get on writing for a chance to see your essay published on the JASNA website and be in for a chance to win a cash scholarship!

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