Sponsoring Institution: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Type: Highly Competitive, Need-based, Academic Performance scholarship

• A highschool senior graduating from a U.S. high school
• Intend to enroll in an accredited four year college
• A minimum, cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5+
• A family annual gross income of up to $95k including other background checks
• Click here to learn how to apply! 

Highlight: Are you a striving US high school senior or homeschool student trying to make it to University? Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is offering a  pretty substantial scholarship opportunity (up to $55,000 per year!) to cover the cost of any four-year undergraduate program of your choice! This can include  any university, inside or outside the US! This scholarship opportunity is available for students who demonstrate financial aid which in this case means they will consider  annual gross family income up to $95,000. The scholarship award though will be based on the personal need of each student. This scholarship opportunity also offers students personal advice about selecting a college and how to transition to college and make the most of the student experience. This highly competitive scholarship is looking for leadership quality, determination and student’s perseverance in a student as well as demonstrate strong academic abilities with a minimum of a 3.5 GPA or above. This scholarship opportunity will also give access to scholarship recipients to network with highly talented scholars, alumni through events and mentorship. You will also have access to an internship stipend program, invitations to conferences, along with travel stipends and graduate scholarships. To apply to this scholarship, you will need to provide two recommendation letters, one from your grade eleven teacher in a core academic course and one from a teacher who has followed your academic progress since grade 9. You also need a counselor recommendation letter, a school report (a document that the counselor can usually provide detailing all your school information and type of course that is offered) and your transcript (unofficial transcript is accepted). There is a lot to the application process — we’re not gonna lie. But so is actually applying to college!  So, if you see that you can qualify, get some early practice on putting together a complex application, and possibly get rewarded bog time for your effort! It’s definitely worth a try to apply!

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