Sponsoring Institution: IAAC

Type: Astronomy contest

• High school and university students

Highlight: Space! One of the most mysterious and elusive frontiers. If you are someone who is seeking out this fascinating field, why not test your knowledge at the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition, or IAAC. This astronomy competition allows you to both apply your skills and unleash your creativity in the field of astronomy through solving challenging problems. There are two categories, Junior (for those under 18) and Senior (for those over 18), and 3 rounds of problem solving. Maybe you’re unsure if you can solve these problems. Worry not, you can check out this astronomy competition’s past questions here to get a feel for them, yourself. Winners of this astronomy competition will receive cash prizes, but even if you didn’t make it, you wil have walked away with certificates and experiences for next time. There is also an opportunity to become an ambassador for this astronomy competition, and promote IAAC. This is also a great chance to create and lead your own IAAC group. Are you interested? Then what are you waiting for! If you’re ready to reach for the stars and test your knowledge, don’t resist the gravitational pull of this astronomy competition and click here to begin your journey.

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