Sponsoring Institution: Horatio Algers Association of Distinguished Americans

Type: Need-based; multiple scholarships available

Eligibility: US citizens (usually high school seniors depending on award) with financial need (family income of less than  $55,000 ) who show they’ve persevered in overcoming adversity can apply for one of the multiple scholarships offered.

Application Deadline: Varies; some close in spring, some in fall.

Highlight:  Inspired by the life & books of Horatio Algers, this association seeks to aid hundreds of students pursuing all levels of post-secondary education, from certificate programs to graduate degrees — specifically offering multiple scholarships to those young people who have faced and overcome difficult circumstances and financial needs as they’ve pursued their dreams. Algers wrote dozens of fictional books about youths who faced adversity in achieving their goals, and the association aims to make education more accessible for your story in the real world! Thousands of dollars in awards available for each state as well as nationally, with multiple scholarships for specific schools, disciplines, or post-secondary levels as well. 

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