Sponsoring Institution: The Harvard Crimson and Crimson Education

Type: Essay Contest

13 -18 year olds (from anywhere) enrolled in a secondary institution

Application Deadline: Mid February

Highlight: Are you a current high school student who’s passionate about writing and wants to get their work evaluated by The Harvard Crimson? Then try your hand at participating in The Harvard Crimson Global Essay Contest! This essay contest encourages high school students (13-18) from all around the globe to compete for various opportunities and prizes that could change their writing career forever. Since this essay contest is completely virtual, there are practically zero barriers stopping you from entering this essay contest. You might be wondering what type of prompts you need to write about in The Harvard Crimson’s essay contest. Well, every year, there are two different prompt tracks following either a creative or persuasive theme. There are typically 10 different prompts for the contestants to write about. The prizes for this essay contest are the same for both creative and persuasive tracks. The first, second, and third place winners receive an internship with The Harvard Crimson, a recommendation letter, and Harvard merchandise. In addition they will receive $1000, $750, and $500 in cash and Crimson Mentorship credit. To qualify for The English Learner prize of $100 and Harvard “merch”, you cannot come from an English speaking family, or have social interactions that are primarily in English, or have completed any period of schooling where English is the primary language. Additional awards include the 50 regional awards distributed across 5 global regions which feature a $25 Amazon gift card and a Regional Finalist Certificate. Just and fyi: you are able to submit previously written essays to this essay contest given that they’re under 500 words long and were written by you. There are multiple webinars and exclusive workshops presented by The Harvard Crimson to help you get started…so, perks galore!!! With all that this global essay contest offers… for free…it’s hard to resist applying to Harvard!

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