Sponsoring Institution: Global Scholarships

Type: University Scholarships

To have a good English proficiency

To be a high school senior – for Bachelor’s degree/

To have an undergraduate degree – for Master’s/Ph.D

Requirements vary depending on the institution’s country and your interested degree

Application Deadline:
varies depending upon the particular scholarship, as this is a database.

Are you an international student seeking opportunities to further your education and expand your horizons? Look no further than the Database of Scholarships for International Students! The scholarships offered through the database range from undergraduate to Ph.D. degrees, so there are scholarships and funding opportunities for students at all levels of study. These scholarships cover all topics and subjects that you may be interested in studying, ranging from Health and Nursing to Computer Engineering, and more. The database features scholarships from diverse providers such as universities and colleges, government scholarships, and companies. This means you can explore a wealth of options and increase your chances of securing the scholarships you need to achieve your educational aspirations. Utilize the database today and find the scholarships you want to apply to. As each scholarship is independent of the database, be sure to check out the deadline as well as the eligible countries, programs, and institutions. If you have any questions about the scholarship, be sure to check out the FAQ’s. Global Scholarships also provide an in-depth guide on the application process for college for United States schools, so if you are applying for college soon, be sure to check out the page. Further, the database lists courses offered by universities around the world within different subjects and levels, so if you are interested in any of the subjects and learning from different international universities, be sure to apply to them to further your academic aspirations. Whether you’re applying for college, looking for a scholarship, or joining a course, utilize the Global Scholarships Database to take the first step toward your academic dreams!

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