Sponsoring Institution: Feldco Factory Direct

Type: Writing Contest 

• Legal US resident
• Currently enrolled or enrolling in college/ university

Application Deadline: Mid December

Highlight: Feldco, a family-owned exterior home improvement company, is offering a pretty interesting and a little unusual essay scholarship . With prompts changing every year, this company that focusses primarily on siding, windows, doors, and windows poses an annual question with a general theme that  revolves around looking at what you value. You will have 700-1,000 words to communicate your thoughts in this essay scholarship, with a chance to win $1,000. This essay scholarship is only applicable to those who either are already enrolled in college or have an official acceptance letter from a college at the time of application.  The application process is pretty straightforward as you will simply send your submission in an email to scholarship@4feldco.com with the details they require by the deadline mentioned above.  All essay scholarship winners will be notified early January, and the money will be paid to the winner’s school by late January…. so pretty fast turnaround there! If you need clarification or just a little motivation or inspiration for this essay contest, look at the past winner page. Contemplate what you value and who you are and put those thoughts to paper for a chance to win. And win or not, there’s good value in exploring and communicating what you value!

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