Sponsoring Institution: Electronic Recycling Association

Type: Recycling Contest

Eligibility: Must be a full -time/part-time student in Canada.
For those e-waste recycling participants who are outside our operating areas (Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, and Montreal) there will be adjusted requirements.

Application Deadline: Your e-waste recycling plans can Start anytime after January 1st — plan your event(s) to fit your schedule!
Deadline to submit your results: September

Highlight: Do you care about the planet and want to make sure our future is built upon recycled materials? Are you also passionate about recycling goods to save the planet but don’t know where to start so you can contribute? Well then the Electronic Recycling Association scholarship focused on e-waste recycling is perfect for you! As long as you are a full time or part time student in Canada then you are eligible to enter. All you need to do is come up with a marketing plan for e-waste recycling in your area, you will manage every detail from the planning and promoting to the execution, giving you the opportunity to be creative and practice your leadership skills around e-waste recycling- something that would look great on a CV. If you didn’t want to work alone you could also gather your mates to make an e waste recycling team, and then any scholarships won would be split equally amongst your team. From cell phones, tablets and laptops, to old computers and networking equipment, the types of products you could collect in your e-waste recycling initiative endless! With prizes ranging from $10,000 to a MacBook Pro and 3 laptops for charity not only are the opportunities for developing your skills but you could also be in for a chance to win a prize for all your hard work saving the planet! It is said that “the greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it” so why not be the change this planet needs and enter your e-waste recycling initiative in the Electronic Recycling Scholarship competition today! Make sure to submit your final results by September 2022 to be in for a chance to win a prize!

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