Sponsoring Institution: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration through the EPP/MSI (Educational Partnership program with Minority Serving Institutions)

Type: Ocean Sciences Scholarship  program

1. Applicants must be U.S. citizens
2. Must be currently enrolled as a full-time 2nd-year student in a four-year academic program in a minority serving institution, or transferring from a two-year to a four-year minority serving institution; or a 3rd-year student in a five-year program. (Note: a minority serving institution as defined by the US Department of Education includes Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaskan-Native Serving Institutions, Native-Hawaiian  Serving Institutions
3. Studying a discipline with a declared major in STEM, social science, teacher education, or another major that supports NOAA’s programs and mission at an accredited minority serving institution (college or university within the United States or U.S. territories).
4. Must earn and maintain a minimum 3.2-grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

Application Deadline: Applications open on September 1st and close in January.

Highlight: Are you majoring in a four-year program in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and currently enrolled as a full-time 2nd-year student in a four-year academic program at a Minority Serving Institution (as defined above)? Then the MSI Undergraduate Scholarship Program is perfect for you!  Participants get the opportunity to conduct research at an NOAA facility during two paid summer internships alongside being able to access up to $45,000 in total financial support during their junior and sophomore years of college! You will complete an 11-week paid summer internship and train at NOAA in the Spring, MD, between May and July of the first summer and then you will complete a 10-week paid internship at NOAA facilities anywhere across the country during the second summer! This gives you a range of internship opportunities and also insight into the research aspects of your chosen field of STEM! You will also be paid a stipend and receive a housing allowance during summer internships; ensuring you gain full academic experience without financial burden- enabling you to focus completely on your research and final presentation! At the end of both summer internships, you will be expected to present the results of your projects at an Education and Science Symposium in Silver Spring- giving you further opportunity to understand the expectations of research and presentation in the STEM industry! So why not apply this September to open up the opportunities in research and begin your STEM journey! It was said that “research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought” so let the MSI undergraduate scholarship help you to see and think about the things that nobody else has thought! Apply for this Undergraduate scholarship on September 1st when applications open!

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