Sponsoring Institution: Coupon Chief

Type: Video Scholarship

Eligibility: US residents enrolled in high school, college, or trade school can apply for this video scholarship about saving money

  • Just upload  a 2-5 minute video to Youtube about yourself and saving money as a college/high school student
    • Title video: “Coupon Chief Scholarship”
    • Send in video to scholarships@couponchief.com with your name, contact info and notice of acceptance

Application Deadline: End of July… Winners are announced mid-August

Highlight: Hey there! I have a question for you: what is the wealthiest machine in the world? The ATM! Certainly there are times I wish I could become an ATM-like, doling out money on request, but alas I am destined to remain human. Although money isn’t everything, we must admit it is important. Saving money helps us reach our life’s goals and supports the things we care about most profoundly such as family, school, health care, charity, exploration, and pleasure — in addition to meeting our basic needs, of course! It can help us enjoy some of life’s highest quality features, such as liberty or individuality, the capacity to maximize our expertise and capabilities, the opportunity to choose our own path in life, and financial security. Much good can be done with saving money, and much misery can be prevented or simply avoided with it, as well. Here in Coupon Chief, you will get the chance to win $1000 by just submitting a 2-5 minute video about saving money! Just a short video where you introduce yourself and identify the college you attend along with your specific means and strategies for saving money as a student. This is a great opportunity for money-saving, passionate U.S students to win a thousand dollars to apply to their higher education costs. Apply now and remember, it’s even more about saving than winning!  “The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger

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