Sponsoring Institution: Too Marker Products Inc.

Type: Art Contest

There is no restriction. Everyone can participate in this art contest.
Every piece of artwork submitted must be unique and mostly made using Copic products
The artwork entry cannot be previously published on social media or have received any awards

Application Deadline: Detailed information (entry period, judges, etc.) on this year’s AWARD will be available in early June

Highlight: The real million dollar question is, a 100 pack of Crayola or a 12 pack Copic? (Art students, if you know, you know)! Copic markers have built a reputation by setting an industry standard when it comes to their products and needless to say have built up quite the fandom. The Copic Awards 2022, invites artists of all ages and backgrounds from across the world to participate in this international art contest where you submit an artwork with your favorite Copic products! The guidelines for this art contest are mentioned here. Prizes for this completion include full sets of Copic markers along with cash prizes up to $3000 USD, trophies and much more! A detailed list of the prizes for this art contest can be found here. Whether your art style is on the gothic end of things or Bob Ross style landscape painting is your way of art, whatever it may be this art contest is open to every genre there is. Three Dimensional artworks are also welcomed however the use of fragile materials such as ceramic or glass is not permitted. Lacking inspiration? Feel free to take a look at the entries for this art contest from last year and discover past winners here. Still have some questions? Check out the FAQ page for this art contest or contact them here. The application deadline is Late June, so pick up your favorite copics and get creative!

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