Sponsoring Institution: The Chilling Pen

Type: Essay Contest

Anyone around the world and any age is able to participate in this horror themed essay competition.

Application Deadline:
Early October. Winners are announced at the end of October.


For aspiring authors of any age around the world, the Chilling Pen essay competition offers an opportunity for publication and recognition. The competition asks applicants to submit a horror-themed short story, essay, or poem under a thousand words by midnight of October 1st. This year’s horror theme is Betrayal. Stories can be both fiction or nonfiction. The stories will be judged on quality, originality, fear factor, and overall impact. A heavy emphasis is placed on the fear factor with the organization requesting stories that “chill to the bone” making this a one-of-a-kind horror-themed competition. Three winners will be published on the organization’s website and social media. Additionally, the winners will receive cash prizes of $500, $300, $100, for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places respectively. For more information, read the FAQ section near the bottom of the competition website or email for specific questions.


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