Sponsoring Institution: Canadian Civil Liberties Union (CCLU)

Type: Essay or video rant on a law or civil liberties-related topic  

Eligibility: Canadian High Schoolers are eligible!

Application Deadline: Deadlines are clearly visible when the contest is open but are a bit unclear and don’t seem to be listed for upcoming contests (though there is a clear history of the contest and a note to stay tuned for the prompts for the coming year)

Highlight:  Attention all writers and speakers! Are law fanatic and  passionate about rights and freedoms? Well then this can be additional time for you to shine! The Chernos Civil Liberties Contest  is a law contest for Canadian high school students, where you get to choose to either write an essay or make a video rant addressing one of their fundamental freedom prompts each year. With cash prizes from $100 – $500 for the top three winners, this law contest gives you an additional incentive for venting and expressing your impassioned perspectives when it comes to laws and liberties. The winners of the law contest are selected by a panel of legal scholars who definitely have some experience when it comes to hearing impassioned perspectives! Take this chance to explore aspects of justice to figure out and voice what you think. You just might find the opportunity to collect, organize, and express your views even more valuable than any prize you might win! 

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