Sponsoring Institution: Chemical Institute of Canada

Type: Chemistry Contest

Eligibility: High school students from Canada under the age of 20

Application Deadline: Late March

Highlight: Do you have a passion for chemistry and want to try out applying your knowledge? Then the Canadian Chemistry Contest could be the contest for you! This chemistry contest allows you to compete against other young prospective chemists to qualify for the CCO (Canadian Chemistry Olympiad). Not only will this chemistry contest allow you to demonstrate your interest and current knowledge in chemistry, but you might even garner some extra kudos and be recognized on their past winners page! The Canadian Chemistry Contest is aimed towards the top 10% of Canadian high school students, but if you love chemistry, get in there! Strut your stuff!  Over 600 students compete in this chemistry contest annually and you could be one! If you’re anxious about the questions and how you’ll do, the Canadian Chemistry Contest provides previous contest questions and solutions to assist you. The Canadian Chemistry Contest takes place in mid April and the deadline to sign up is early April. The location of testing , meaning if it’ll be in person (run by local high schools in Canada) or online, is still undecided. To learn more, contact a coordinator near you. As another plus, the top three winners of this chemistry contest get $100, $200, and $450 per region! The national winner of all of Canada is awarded with $800. So, if you’d like to try your hand at competing against other students your age in the fascinating subject of chemistry, register by April to secure your spot!

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