Sponsoring Institution: Bowseat

Type: Creative competition 

Eligibility: Students ages 11-18 around the world. They can participate as an individual, a class, a club, or a group. Awards are separated by junior division and senior division.

Application Deadline: June 14, 2021, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET).

Highlight: The ocean regulates our climate, creates the air we breathe, and holds 97% of Earth’s water. What would you do to protect the ocean for future generations to come? The Bowseat Ocean Awareness Contest prompts you to express your ideas, your thoughts, your frustrations, and to set forth proposals to save our ocean. Submit one or multiple pieces of art, music, dance, video, oratory, or creative writing works to participate in the ocean awareness contest and raise awareness about environmental issues. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners (and even the honorable mention!) of the ocean awareness contest receive a large sum of cash! Furthermore, there are additional awards for Massachusetts residents and even educators who encourage their students to participate in the ocean awareness contest. Learn from the pieces created by past contest winners, and teach others with your own ocean awareness contest submission! If you have always dreamed of becoming an advocate for ocean awareness and creating positive change in the environment, now is always the perfect time! Step into the Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Contest and creatively cast your idea!

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