Sponsoring Institution: 365 to Japan

Type: Haiku Contest

Entry  fee of 3 dollars to enter the contest.
All ages 13 and up will be allowed to submit, with parent/guardian permission required for authors under 18

Application Deadline: End of May

Highlight:  Are you a talented and passionate writer, aged 13 or above, looking to make a lasting impact in the literary world? If so, then the 365toJapan Haiku Contest is the perfect platform for you! Running twice a year, this unique haiku contest offers an exceptional opportunity for writers to have their work showcased in the fall/winter and spring/summer editions of 365toJapan, allowing their creativity to shine on a global stage. While the range of topics for this haiku contest isn’t limited, participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from the extensive culture of Japan! As a contestant, you can submit up to four haikus within a single year, each with an entry fee of $3. This haiku contest also provides financial assistance to those who qualify for it, ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to participate and share their artistic abilities. The first-place winner will receive an Amazon gift card worth $50, the second-place winner will be awarded $35, and the third-place winner will receive $15. Furthermore, numerous other exceptional submissions to this haiku contest will also be published, providing a platform for recognition and exposure to a wider audience. So what are you waiting for? Don’t miss this opportunity to illustrate the beauty of the Land of the Rising Sun!

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