Sponsoring Institution: Scholastic Awards

Type: Portfolio Scholarship

To be a graduating senior
To be from US/Canada

Application Deadline:
varies depending upon the particular scholarship, as this is a database.

Are you a graduating senior with a passion for art or writing, seeking recognition and financial support for your talents? The Portfolio Awards could be your ticket to turning your creative aspirations into reality. The Portfolio Awards offer $12,500 scholarships to Gold Medal Portfolio winners and $2,000 scholarships to Silver Medal Portfolio winners. All you need to do is gather a collection of six of your best works, whether they’re paintings, drawings, poems, stories, or essays. Alongside your creations, you’ll need to provide two types of statements: an Artist or Writer Statement and a Personal Statement. For further guidance and details on the application process, visit Portfolio Awards website, where you’ll find insights to aid you in your application process. Remember, these statements are not just about meeting requirements—they’re your opportunity to shine.

So, if you’re ready to share your creativity with the world and secure financial support for your future endeavors, don’t miss out on the opportunity provided by Portfolio Awards. Start crafting your portfolio and statements today. And if you’ve already got your portfolio, don’t hold back—share it with confidence and let your artistic talents take center stage!

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