Sponsoring Institution: John Locke Institute

Type: Essay competition

All students under 18 years of age are welcome to join. The documents that applicants submit must not have their name appear on it and have no footnotes. However, a bibliography is required. Students must also include an academic referee that knows the writer’s work.

Application Deadline:
End of June or early July for late entries

Are you a budding intellectual eager to showcase your ideas on a global stage? Look no further than the John Locke Institute Essay Competition! This prestigious competition offers you the chance to delve into your favorite subjects, whether it’s Philosophy, Politics, Economics, History, Psychology, or Theology. Winners not only gain recognition from academic experts worldwide but also enjoy a $2,000 scholarship to any John Locke Institute program and can win a $10,000 scholarship to attend one of John Locke’s summer schools.

Entry is entirely free, but you must remember to register by the end of May, to qualify. The submission process is straightforward yet challenging. Select a question from your chosen category, pen down your thoughts in a compelling essay, and submit it before the end of June. All details on how to submit your essay, from formatting guidelines to submission processes, are meticulously outlined on the John Locke Institute Essay Competition website.

So, if you’re ready to take this exciting leap and put your ideas to the test, ensure you’re all set before the deadlines. Don’t let this extraordinary opportunity slip away—prepare, participate, and pave the way to your future.

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