Program Length: At least 12 weeks

Location: Washington D.C.

Admissions Requirement:
Must be an undergraduate student, graduate student, or recent college graduate
Applicants should be highly motivated, creative, and hard-working individuals with an interest in arts management.

Admissions Deadline: Admission application is available at times when admissions are open.

The Washington Performing Arts institution is one of the most established and honored performing arts institutions in America. It has engaged with artists, audiences, students, and civic life for more than 50 years. Washington Performing Arts champions the arts as a unifying force. By collaborating with artists, educators, community leaders, and institutional partners, it bring wide-ranging artistic programs to stages, schools, and neighborhoods throughout Washington.

The Washington Performing Arts institution is now offering internship positions for undergraduates, graduates, and recent graduates who are highly motivated, creative, and hard-working with an interest in arts management. Interns will work in administration, education, fundraising, marketing and communications, special events, and more departments. The internships average 15 hours per week for at least 12 weeks during the fall and spring internship semesters. Summer semester interns must complete an average of 15 hours per week for at least 9 weeks. The interns are provided with a stipend of $500 upon completion of the internship. It’s a great opportunity to support yourself  and your interest in the arts, while supporting the arts!

Internships may or may not be available all the time so check back often to not miss this amazing opportunity!

Cost: Free

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