Sponsoring Institution: Carthusia Edizioni

Type: Illustration contest

Eligibility: You must be over 18

Application Deadline: February 5th

Highlight: Are you ready to unleash your creative mind? Do you want to explore the world of illustration? Well, look no further. The Silent Book Contest may be the perfect opportunity for you to do that and much more! If you are over 18 years old, you are eligible to apply for this illustration contest, no matter where you are from. Additionally, you have the option of working in a group. In this case, the prize will be shared amongst your group members. Essentially, you must create a narrative through illustrations. In your narrative, you must tell a story about any subject you want. Your illustration for this contest may not have text, unless they are used as a decorative element in your artwork, and must be original work. You can also view the specific rules of the illustration contest on their website. The winning book will be published by Carthusia Edizioni, creator of the contest, and the winner will receive a cash prize of 4000 Euros! If you want some inspiration, you can view the previous editions and past winners and even purchase them! Registration for this illustration contest ends in early February. If you have any questions, make sure to reach out. So, what are you waiting for? Draw on your life experience and use your imagination to turn a new page!

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