Program Length: 5-day overnight science camp (1st week of Aug)
Location: Mount St. Helens, Washington
Admissions Req: This overnight science camp accepts 7th-8th grade girls (cis and trans) from Oregon and Washington as GeoGirls and 10-12th grade girls as High School Mentors. All applications due March 6th!
Highlight: GeoGirls is an overnight science camp for middle-school girls from Oregon and Washington! If this is you, then why not get hands-on camping and research experience in geology and technology whilst exploring Mount St. Helens (yep, the volcano!) Truly an incredible opportunity to expand your horizons during this overnight science camp, where you learn about some big things in the nature while observing and living harmoniously with many more of the small things. This overnight science camp offers a unique camping experience for both high school and middle school girls: middle-schoolers will have the opportunity to work with research scientists, be part of real live projects and volcano crisis missions, and visit the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory during this overnight science camp; high-school students have the added opportunity to build leadership skills. They get to act as mentors to the middle-school GeoGirls, manage the overnight science camp logistics, and assist in organizing some very cool research projects. Previous research projects include studies on plant ecology, sedimentology, and igneous chemistry– pretty impressive for a one week overnight science camp! Spend a memorable week at this overnight science camp — for free! You might just discover, or confirm what you’d suspected: STEM is for you!
Financial: FREE! You just need to get there.