Program Length: N/A (not a program, but a submission)

Location: Virtual but the award ceremony will be in Berne, Switzerland

Admissions Requirements:
Can be submitted from anywhere; must be 9-15 years old.

Application Deadline: May 5th, 2024

The International Letter-Writing Competition for Young People, organized by the Universal Postal Union (UPU), encourages young individuals to write letters on a specified theme each year. This competition aims to foster literacy and develop the skills of young writers. Participants can enter through their national postal services, and the top entries at the national level are then submitted to the UPU for the international competition.

Winners receive various awards, including medals and certificates, and their letters may be published by the UPU. The competition also promotes cultural exchange and understanding by sharing diverse perspectives through letters.

For more details, including how to participate, past winners, and specific rules, you can visit the official page.

Feel free to check the link for more information on the themes, participants’ guides, and other resources related to the competition.

Cost: None

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