Sponsoring Institution: Toronto Dominion Bank

Type: 20 awards of up to $17,500/year for up to 4 years (up to $10,000/yr for tuition and up to $7,500/yr for living expenses ) Each award up to $70,000

Eligibility: Final year of High School or CEGEP (in Quebec) w/min GPA of 75. Open to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents going to (approved) Canadian Universities

Application Deadline: November

Highlight: Extremely prestigious Scholarships TD awards annually to students across Canada for Community Service and Leadership. Students write a 600 word essay demonstrating dedication to community improvement. (additional optional shorter essays are required as well). Beyond tuition and living expenses, these scholarships offer paid summer employment, and networking and mentorship opportunities. 80 finalists are selected across five regions (Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Nunavut/Prairie Provinces/Northwest Territories, and British Columbia/Yukon). 2 scholarship recipients are selected from each region. If you’re active in your community, give it a shot. You stand to gain from just applying!

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